Creating an online presence in the adult industry can be tough when you are first starting off, especially when you’re trying to the right platforms to promote yourself. Luckily, Reddit is one of the most adult-friendly social media platforms out there!

What is Reddit?

Reddit is an online social forum that allows users to share photos, links and posts that can be promoted through the site’s followers. If you are new to the camming industry, Reddit is a wonderful platform because you have the ability to get engagement and followers right from the start. In this article, you will learn how to create and have success on Reddit as a sex worker which will bring you overall success to your career!

Setting Up your Reddit Account

If you are new to the online forum, the first thing you’re going to want to do is create your account. Once you have a Reddit account set up, you will want to begin working on your page. You are going to want to make sure that your page is complete and appealing to viewers. While most of your posts will be in other subreddits, they are meant to direct viewers to your page so you want it to look like you are active on your account. A good place to start is with a catchy bio and a profile photo. Your bio and profile photo are the first things that will be seen when someone clicks on your page, so you’re going to want to make your photo something clear, and SFW that represents you. Your bio should be short,, concise and catchy. You are allowed to have a link site in your bio, which is highly recommended so viewers can find you on other platforms. Add in some fun things about yourself and your online brand. Keep it simple and keep it cute!

Building Up Karma

After your page is set up and looks up to your standards, you’re going to want to start building up Karma for your account. You might be thinking to yourself, karma? Yes! But not the kind of karma you’re thinking of. You gain karma on Reddit by your account usage and interaction with subreddits. The more karma you gain, the more trusted and popular your account becomes. Most subreddits that you are going to want to promote yourself in require a certain amount of karma on your account, so this step is crucial. While building up karma on Reddit can take time, it can be pretty easy. Take the time to post on your page and on subreddits that don’t require a certain amount of karma to post in. This will help boost your page exponentially!

Finding Subreddits

The next thing you are going to want to do is find the right subreddits for you. Subreddits are all of the forums that you will be able to post in outside of your own page. Reddit has hundreds of thousands of different types of subreddits. You will find MULTIPLE subreddits that fit into your niche. It’s as simple as going to the Reddit search bar and typing in key words that fit into your online persona. You will be amazed at how much you end up finding! There is no shortage of subreddits and places to post in. And once you figure out how to post correctly, it all becomes so simple.

Getting Verified

Now that you have found a list of subreddits you’re interested in posting in (I recommend finding 15-20 to start) it’s time to become verified in all of the groups. Becoming verified is a crucial step otherwise you will not be able to post in the places you want to. While you will have to do separate verifications for each subreddit, the process itself is pretty easy. Most subreddit verification rules require a photo to prove you are yourself and a written message. You can typically become verified within a day of submitting what is required for the subreddit. I know you’re probably thinking, “is it time to post now?!” almost! There is one more very important step in this process that is going to help keep your account safe, it’s following the rules! Reddit is very strict with the rules they have in place. Each subreddit has its own set of rules that are on the page when you visit it. Some will have more rules than others, some may have only one rule. The rules won’t all be the same, but they are very important to follow no matter what. Do not post links where you’re not supposed to and do not post the same content on the same subreddit more than once. Be sure to always be mindful of the rules and you will be all set to post!

Posting Daily

Once you have been verified in your chosen subreddits, it’s time to start posting! You can join as many subreddits as you’d like, the more the better! I recommend doing about 10-15 posts a day in different subreddits, this should only take you around 20 minutes. If you are able to stay consistent with this, you will be surprised to see how much engagement and new followers you receive.

You’re All Set!

Remember, Reddit is a tool to help you grow on other platforms and camming sites to boost your career. Consider it a funnel, you’re marketing yourself! Try out this formula and see how far it takes you into success!

Ready to get started as a webcam model or content creator?

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Are you looking for a longer list of recommended sites? We offer FREE advice to models that use our referral links to create their account.

You can also view our advice category to find more information for maintaining a successful career in the adult industry.

This blog is sponsored by IGF Studios, a woman-owned online webcam studio that is committed to helping models reach their financial goals within their personal boundaries.

Enjoyed this post? Here is a bit about the author.

Ashley Nicole is an experienced Social Media Manager who has been using her talents in the adult industry for the past 4 years. She is currently one of the managers of IGF Studios where she assists in Model Training and Media Management. Ashley hopes to continue to help models achieve growth and success through Social Media.

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